This is the privacy statement of Robeet boomkwekerijen. In this we describe how we handle the personal information about you that we have collected. Naturally, this data is collected, processed and used with the utmost care. We comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
1. Purpose: The personal data obtained by us will be processed to provide services, send offers and ensure full performance and compliance with agreements entered into with you. In addition, we collect personal data for sending commercial newsletters and newsletters that are aimed at sharing knowledge.
2. Legal basis: Collecting, processing and using personal data is only permitted if we have a legal basis for this. This may consist of consent obtained from you, a legal basis or may result from the implementation of and/or compliance with an agreement concluded with you.
3. Personal data and storage period: The personal data we process are the minimum data required so that we can supply our services and products; these data relate to the name of your company, the name of your contact person(s), your (email) address, your telephone number, as well as data that are necessary for the performance of and compliance with agreements concluded with you. Your personal data will not be stored for longer than necessary, unless we have to keep your data for longer because of a statutory regulation.
4. Security: We handle your personal data carefully. To prevent unauthorised access, we have taken technical and organisational measures that ensure an appropriate level of security. In light of this, we have put in place security measures for our website, our IT systems and the physical areas where personal data is stored, whereby only managers can view your personal data.
5. Sharing with third parties: We will only disclose personal data to third parties if this is necessary for implementing and complying with agreements entered into with you, if you have explicitly granted consent for this or if the law obliges us to do so. On our website you can find analysis tools from other parties, such as cookies from Google Analytics. We do this to keep track of how visitors use our website. We use this knowledge to optimise our website for our visitors.
6. Your rights: You have the right at any time to request access to the personal data that we hold about you. If these data are incorrect or have changed, we will adjust them according to your instructions. You also have the right at all times to have your data erased by us. Questions? If after reading our Privacy Statement you have questions about the content or implementation or if you have any complaints about this, you can contact us at:
Tel 0498/218657